Exhibitors often gauge their ROI based on the data captured from lead retrieval in their booth. Our CompleteLEADS system will ensure you’re providing real value to your exhibitors

Statistics on computer

Lead Retrieval

Let's get real - exhibitors use their ROI from events when deciding which events to repeatedly attend and which to cut out of their schedule. Any tool you can provide to track their leads will add value and make it easier for them to justify their attendance.

  • Exhibitors can download our CompleteLEADS app to smartphones or tablets via the Apple App or Google Play store
  • Qualify leads with notes and built-in questions or even customize questions to their products and services
  • Scan online or offline with a cloud based database
  • Access their list of leads via a real-time and easy-access online portal

CompleteLEADS also offers device rentals and post-show conversion for those who have scanners, but need the valuable data your event provides.